Integrations and Partners

Integrate external applications with LabArchives to streamline your workflows and improve productivity

Featured Integrations

Our most popular integrations
Analyze, graph and present your scientific work
Plan, visualize and document your molecular biology procedures
Draw, edit and search chemical structures and reactions with Chemdoodle
Add Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint documents to your notebook

Research Tools

Popular research and productivity tools for LabArchives
Secure cloud file storage, sharing and collaboration
Australia’s leading identity broker for online resources
Microsoft’s reliable and scalable identity service
Open access, peer reviewed scientific journals
Persistent identifier (DOI) library for research data
Global leader in publication support & language services
A research all in one repository to store, share and discover
Accessible, online files including Google Docs, Sheets and Slides
Analyze, graph and present your scientific work
Draw, edit and search chemical structures and reactions with Chemdoodle
Computing across dozens of programming languages
Easy and organized lab inventory tracking and ordering
Single Sign On (SSO) access for Windows systems
Accessible and shareable online Excel files
Accessible and shareable online PowerPoint files
Accessible and shareable online Word files
A secure platform for developing and sharing reproducible methods
Free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journals
Open Science platform for publishing and collaboration
Software for designing clinical and translational research databases
40,000+ journal templates for formatting and publishing
Plan, visualize and document your molecular biology procedures
A platform for sharing videos and recorded processes


Storage and sign in tools for the Enterprise Edition
API access for enterprise customers
Secure cloud file storage, sharing and collaboration
Single Sign On (SSO) solutions for seamless global collaboration
Secure cloud file storage, sharing and collaboration


Publication, storage and collaboration tools for ELN for Education
Learning management system for educational instruction
Learning management system for educational instruction
Curriculum solutions and content for lab courses
Learning management system for educational instruction
High quality, low cost, peer reviewed textbooks
Academic integrity solution designed to deter plagiarism
Classroom solutions including hands-on experiments

Partners and Installation


LabArchives is always looking for more integration partners who produce research workflow applications our customers use.  If you are interested in becoming an integration partner, please contact us for more information.

Contact Us >


External applications can be integrated with LabArchives in order to upload or sync files directly into your lab notebooks. Learn how to integrate specific apps in our knowledge base.

Visit Knowledge Base >

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